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Suggested Post #1

Please join me in giving the gift of play this holiday season by sponsoring a PLAYpass for an under-resourced child in our community. Without a PLAYpass, many under-resourced children do not have access to sports & recreation programs that help them thrive with a healthy, active lifestyle. You can directly support a child’s ability to get out and play in the new year through the gift of a PLAYpass today:

Suggested post #2

Help PLAY Boulder reach our goal of sponsoring PLAYpasses for 20 children this holiday season! The program has received more need than ever before, and we need the community’s support to move children off of the waitlist. For $250, you can Give the Gift of Play to an under-resourced child who otherwise would not have access to valuable sports & recreation programs. Please visit to gift a PLAYpass today!

Suggested post #3

This holiday season, give the gift of PLAY by sponsoring a PLAYpass for an under-resourced child in the community. Not only will your contribution enable a child to access sports & recreation programs that foster their wellbeing and an active lifestyle, but it will greatly reduce financial stress on low-income families and empower parents with tools to give to their children. Please visit to gift a PLAYpass today.

Suggested Post #4

As we near the end of the year, there is an urgent need for support of PLAY Boulder’s PLAYpass program. The program received more applications than ever before, and the current demand exceeds PLAY Boulder’s funding. Without community support, PLAY will have to turn down applications for the upcoming PLAYpass session, meaning many under-resourced children in Boulder will not have access to valuable sports & recreation programming. Can we count on your support to move another child off the waitlist this season? Please visit to gift a PLAYpass today.

Suggested Post #5

Help PLAY Boulder to move children off our PLAYpass waitlist! The program has received more applications than ever before, and the number of applicants exceeds PLAY Boulder’s current funding. Today, you can give the gift of sports & recreation opportunities to an under-resourced child by sponsoring a PLAYpass. Visit to gift a PLAYpass today.